Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sample This BOM Fabrics

Spring greetings! Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are accustomed to cold, rainy spring breaks. Much to our delight, we have had a stunningly gorgeous weekend of record-setting warm days. To celebrate, here are most of the fabric collections from my BOM classes at the Pine Needle. The BOM we are making is A Quilter's Dream:  Sample This!

Sample This! Pattern Cover

Below is the first group of fabric collections beginning with Jan P (top left), Jan S (top right), Rae T (bottom left) and Linda (bottom right). I do hope I got everyone's name correctly paired up with their fabric collection ... let me know if I didn't! These are collections primarily of batiks that have a wide range of hues and values. It will be great fun to see these quilts emerge as we progress from month to month.

Batik Fabric Collections

Next are fabric collections from Karlee (top left), Heather (top right), Rae P (bottom left) and Donna (bottom right). Karlee's collection is a terrific group of fabrics from Tula Pink (Salt Water), paired with the perfect dove gray to tie it all together. Heather's quilt will be made entirely of whites and grays with a lovely pink accent ... totally modern. Rae P's quilt will be made from a stunning collection of taupe prints and wovens. Donna chose an array of solid whites and grays and plans to use white or gray prints as her accent fabrics. 

Collections That Showcase Gray

Check out this next group of fabric collections from Kathy A (top left), Sandy (top right), and Jodyne (bottom left and right). Kathy's chose a teal and chartreuse color scheme and is combining contemporary prints with batiks. Sandy's Stonehenge fabrics include brick red, cream and gold that extends almost into a mustardy green. Jodyne selected an array of Southwestern prints as shown in the bottom left photo; the bottom right photo shows the fabrics she will use in the first section of the quilt.

Color Palette Collections

This last group of collections is inspired by flowers and I included a photo of Mallory trying out a new "light tool" (bottom right). I don't know where she found this LED headlight but we were laughing so hard I forgot to take a photo of her fabric collection! Kathy S's collection (top left) is a colorful collection of small scale prints and solids that coordinate with her large scale feature floral. Carolyn's blue and green fabric collection (top right) features the Camelot group from Jason Yenter. The inspiration for Lana's collection (bottom left) is a beautiful oil painting of flowers.

Floral Inspirations

The quilt is constructed in six sections, all set on point. As we progress from month to month, I will post the completed sections. With 23 students in three classes, it will be awesome to see these quilts emerge. Despite good intentions, I somehow missed getting a photo of everyone's fabric collection but you'll still get to see them as the completed sections are posted.

Happy sewing!