Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy 25th Anniversary to Harry and Me

I simply cannot believe that 25 years ago, Harry and I got married. It seems like 10 years ... maybe! This is Harry with our first golden retriever, Jason, who apparently is in need of a tummy rub.

There were no cell phones then ... check out that rotary dial phone! I'm talking to someone about details, I'm sure!

Here I am with my mom as we go into the living room to start the ceremony. It was a very special, emotional time and it's especially poignant to look at these pictures today. Mom died about 15 years ago ... I miss her very much ... every day.

Here's Harry with his sister and father. Another special photo ... Harry's father died maybe 18 years ago. Harry's dad never particularly cared for cats so he, of course, was my cats' favorite person!

Our minister arrives ... in pink ... and to her right is Harry's mom, Grace, in the brown velvet jacket. Brown was Grace's favorite color ... we did not have that in common! Between Lois and Grace is my sister, Angela. But front and center is Jason ... who is hoping for a treat. We met Lois before our wedding day and I remember the first question she asked us was "Why do you want to get married?" I clearly remember a mental panic ... there's a test? No one told us there was a test!

After the ceremony, our friends and family accompanied us to dinner.
Cutting the cake

My brother took photos for us. I have always loved this photo of him:

And of course there had to be a little mischief with Harry's old Ford Custom 500 ... with one of the guilty parties front and center:

We didn't have enough room for everyone to have their own bed so my dear, sweetheart brother slept on the couch ... and was greeted by Jason first thing in the morning.

Mom, my aunt Midge and I made breakfast the next morning ... I'm sure there were biscuits! Mom made the very best biscuits!

So today, 25 years later, I am grateful for such wonderful years and miss those who no longer get to share our lives. And I would simply KILL to be that thin again!!!


  1. lovely trip down memory lane, Pam -- Happy Anniversary to you and Harry! BTW, I tried the "new" seam-ripping technique and was astounded by how well it worked. Fast, too. Would you use it on bias seams?

  2. Thank you! Congratulations! You are the first person to post a comment on my blog! You should get a prize for that ... don't you think?

    I think this technique will work fine on bias seams. I will test it so we're sure but once you pull the thread on the back, the two pieces of fabric come apart as if there's no tension from the thread. I'll post again once I've tested!


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