Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wonderful, amazing news about Benny

Today, Benny had chest radiographs at the Oregon State Veterinary Teaching Hospital. He was so happy to see all his friends there. Frankie and Nickel went too. We wanted to check both Benny's and Frankie's progress; Nickel went along to meet everyone and be admired since he's such a cute not-so-little golden retriever puppy. His "feet off" manners are improving but he still needs a lot of practice.

We are thrilled to report that the nodule in Benny's lung that we saw previously is gone! The mass is either gone entirely or so small as to be undetectable. We are thrilled and so very, very grateful. Of course we will continue with the chemotherapy regimen in hopes that we beat the crap out of that cancer. And we promise to continue to enjoy every minute with our three musketeers!

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