Monday, August 22, 2011

Nickel Meets Bodhi

Our dear friends, Jane and Gary, just brought home a new miniature Australian Shepherd puppy! His name is Bodhi. Here he is just 8 weeks old and weighs maybe 15 pounds. Boy is he cute! These photos are from his first weekend at  home.

 Don't you love the pink spot on my nose?

Cute little imp

 This chair is perfect for me

Love my green froggie

A couple weeks later, Nickel gets to meet Bodhi. What happened? Run run run run run run run run sniff run run run run run run run run run run run run sniff run run run run run run run pool splash run run run run run run run run run run run run sniff run run run run run pool splash run run run run run run run run run run run run ... wrestle! Once they figured out wrestling, it was non-stop for an entire afternoon.

My what big teeth you have Nickel

Ears a flyin' 

 Nickel weighs 48 pounds, Bodhi weighs maybe 20 pounds

 I've got you now!

 Where ya goin' ?

Lots of teeth ... no injuries ... exhausted puppies ... peaceful evening

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