Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nickel Loves to Wrestle

Wrestling with Benny and Frankie is one of the highlights of Nickel's day. Benny is typically gentle ... unless Nickel bits a lip or an ear too hard with those razor sharp puppy teeth.

 Huh oh! Benny's got me!

He's a LOT bigger than me!

 Bite his ear ... that'll get his attention

 Benny is my pal

 Catch me if you can!

After all that wrestling and running around, Nickel heads for the kiddie pool full of cold water. He leaps in, runs around a few times, leaps out, and runs like a madman to warm up.

 Brrr ...  that water is COLD

Digging as fast as possible in the sand pile is another good way to warm up.

 LOVE to dig

 Dig dig dig as fast as I can

Wrestle ... chase Benny ... quick dip in pool ... run around to warm up ... dig dig dig ... roll roll roll in the grass. Life is grand!

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